Monday, July 31, 2006

coatable quotes for the wet season

'tis for the rainy season. yes, there are some quotes that seem to dampen my spirits during this rainy seaon. but, hell, it's not an excuse to dump my reason for surviving in this fucking filthy place called earth---my idea of paradise. hehe.

so here are some. taken from movies, books, some taken from beggars across the street. indulge ...

"the key to my survival lies with my ability to do time."

- the hurricane (denzel washington)

"it's my duty to please that booty"

- shaft (samuel l. jackson)

"the day u stop wanting is the day u start dying"

- d ko na alam kung sino

""if a man hasn't found a reaosn to die for, then he isn't fit to live"

"getting through the next day doen's guarantee the next"

"don't STEAL. the governemtn does not want COMPETITION"

-from a shirt worn by imee marcos during SONA 2k6

"noe wan ken abab yu eksep gad"

- from a drunk dude we met in iba, zambales a couple of months ago

watch out for more ...


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